Saturday, September 03, 2005

Busy day!

First of all, I went to the bank AGAIN yesterday (4th time) to try to get my ATM card but it's still not ready and they don't know when it will be. Finally I just gave the lady my phone number and asked her to call me when it arrives. Marco said to took 3 weeks to get his. Awesome!

Yesterday morning Marco woke George and me up at 6:45 and we went to the gym to swim. Good thing, because when my alarm went off before he knocked on my door, I just felt like going back to sleep. But I would've felt like a sucker if I'd skipped out on swimming. I'm lucky that my roommates are active because we will keep each other motivated to stay in shape, even after classes start. Marco has decided that, like me, he wants to train for a triathlon, so he's going to buy a used road bike. I'm going to buy a second bike also, but a crappy one for riding around town since I can't lock up my road bike without losing all the parts to thieves.

After the gym, we went to the school and took our Spanish exam. We had a little intro and then we were broken into two big groups. My goup took the grammar test first, then had the oral exam. The grammar test was 90 questions on the computer and quite difficult. I think toward the end it got to areas I was never very good at in the first place, even in high school, but I'm sure I did well enough to be put into a decent level. Plus, the computer room was absolutely freezing and everyone was trying to warm up their hands. It's really hot in Barcelona right now and we were all warm from walking up the hill to school, so we wouldn't have been complaining if it wasn't exceptionally cold! Then I had my oral exam, for which I was in a smaller group of 5, and everyone was SO GOOD at Spanish. I the the groups may have been based on the little mini proficiency exam we did during the summer.... we had two people who were basically fluent, and then three (including me) who were decent and could contribute to the conversation. We were given a case and 2 problems to discuss... business stuff, so I'm sure I would've done much better had it been any other subject! Oh well, I'll find out how I did on Monday morning. At least my accent sounds good, though it's obvious I didn't learn Spanish in Spain!

After the test, Alex, George, Marco and I went to the sporting goods store to buy a soccer ball. I had to buy some turf shoes because I left mine in NYC and Marco had to find socks and shorts that would coordinate with his blue Italian jersey. At 5, a huge group of students went to a big recreation area way up the mountain for a soccer match. Since there were 28 of us, we split into teams of 7 and played 2 matches simultaneously going across the field. Despite being excruciatingly hot, it was really fun. It's great that my classmates are all very sporty and active. It's a perfect environment for me. (Mom - insert "I told you so" here.) Granted, I'm saying all of this before classes actually start. We'll see how I fare with microeconomics and the like!

After 2 hours of soccer, we all came home to get ready for the big BOW (bar of the week) party at Mirablau, which is a bar and disco at the top of Tibidabo. These are organized by 2nd year students and usually happen on Thursdays, but it was Friday this week because we had our test yesterday morning. Around 1am we got bored with Mirablau and decided to go down the hill to Danzatoria. Marco said, "I think there's a shortcut" and pointed to a little dirt path leading down the (very steep!) hill. Good thing I had my flip flops in my handbag, because we went down a windiing dirt road with rocks and tree roots in the dark. Fortunately, George was right in front of me, so anytime I saw him trip, I knew to be careful. Ha. Of course, Marco was right and we ended up right in front of Danzatoria (never argue with Marco about Danzatoria) and so I changed back to my heels and we rolled into the club. Unfortunately, I started losing my voice very early on last night, so I couldn't stay out for long. Especially knowing that a whole weekend still lies ahead!

Today we are going shopping for everything we'll need for tonight's barbecue party. I've put myself in charge of the music, since I'm pretty useless in the kitchen... I leave that to Marco. We are expecting anywhere from 60-120 people, so it should be a fun night! Good thing we had the smaller party (which got much bigger than expected) before Nicole left, because we figured out what we need to do for this one. PAPER PLATES. Among other things.

Tomorrow morning I'm supposedly running a 10K race at 10am.... ?!

And finally, George has been really curious about my peanut butter lately. He really wanted to try it and yesterday he finally did. I wasn't sure if he actually liked it, but he kept eating it, so I guess he must have! If it's all gone from my cupboard, I'll know what happened.

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