Wednesday, November 18, 2009

But first...

Over the three months that Frenchy has now lived in the US, I've tried to be a good guide to Americana. Which is why, many mornings, I turn on the Today show while we are getting ready for work. (Also because it's the best way to do your ab workout - you can do LOTS of crunches before you even realize it because you're so engrossed in a story about a woman was attacked by a chimp or the fact that Sammy Sosa is turning white.)

But I generally leave the house by 8am, so I don't get to watch most of the Today show. So I didn't actually see this particular clip live. And that's why I say THANK GOODNESS FOR THE INTERNET.


- said...

I'm jealous, we never have weird kids like that on french tv. We only have their parents... Not fun.

... j said...

N Rock, I love the fact that you say in your profile "These stories are all 100% true" - either our lives are exciting, people don't believe them or we're just that boring what we need to reaffirm that indeed we live them. Like a tootsie, the world may never know. Say hi to my home town for me... I think 2010 I may sub Saharan Africa bound, or perhaps Asia.... randomly landing on your blog by searching for something else. - Jacek

... j said...

I should read before I post - grammatical Spanish alcohol destruction.

Sweet Devil Girl said...


lez sohbet said...
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sohbet said...
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