Thursday, May 24, 2007

First is worst, second is best, third is the one with the hairy chest!

Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to just copy the email I sent to the school on Monday....

Dear friends,

Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS on our impressive 2nd place finish at the MBA Olympics.

With 140 participants, we were 40 fewer than last year, 80 fewer than Instituto Empresa (who, with 220 people, still didn't manage to finish in the top 3), and 110 fewer than LBS, who placed first by a very small margin.

Special thanks to:

- The captains of all sports, who worked hard to organize teams and shuffle players as last-minute schedule conflicts arose

- All of our athletes, most of whom played multiple sports, and several who suffered rather bloody injuries (but who looked very cool doing so), and who brought home several impressive trophies!

- Supportive fans and partners who cheered for all of our teams

- The IESE band, who helped open the weekend by kicking the LBS band's butt, and the fans who chanted "IESE!! IESE!!" after every song LBS played.

- Pablo Royo and Francesc Serras, who valiantly drove people all around campus and to and from the two Paris airports in the PepeVan

- Juha Koski and Roy Bacharach, who drove our beer all the way to Paris without drinking it all before arrival!

- The rest of the IESE Olympic Committee: Paul Mascaro, Roy Bacharach, Juha Koski, Lena Perepelova, Jordi Armenter, and Bertrand Blanc, without whom there would be no IESE participation at the Olympics

And finally, our tally of team trophies. Congratulations everyone, and thank you for making IESE proud!

Gold Medals:
Men's Football
Women's Football
Track & Field
Mountain Biking

Silver Medals:
Women's Rugby

Bronze Medals:
Cross Country
Men's Rugby
Table Tennis

Best of luck for next year!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't been around in awhile....
I have enjoyed your blog--it was great following your journey through IESE. Belated congratulations on your graduation!
You've always been a ray of sunshine; wherever you go people smile.
Take care Noelle.
Your old pal,
An Undisclosed Lurker