Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Never Fear!!

Clear Admit BoB Hahahaha. You thought the blog was gone forever, didn't you? Admit it, you were sad when you checked (rather obsessively, you psycho) and found no change since graduation. And that's great! I'm happy you're addicted. Because it means you'll continue reading as this blog takes it's new form, whatever that will be.

In the coming months, I guess it will be a travel blog because I won't start to work until September, which means 3.5 more glorious months of vacation and exploring. Starting tomorrow, when George and I head off to Vienna for Chris and Kathi's wedding in the Austrian hills. Fully "Sound of Music."

So don't cry. I'm still here. And will be for a while. Enjoy the armchair (or desk chair) travels and if you have any location requests, I'm happy to oblige! Thanks for reading about the trials and tribulations of an idiotic blonde in b-school for the past two years. And thanks to Clear Admit and my fellow bloggers, who again voted me one of the best MBA bloggers.

New title of the blog? Noelle Goes To Barcelona (And Stays)


Anonymous said...

It was very interesting to read about your MBA adventures. Perhaps we will read about your coporate-world adventures next. Great blog.

Anonymous said...

haha you are right about everything. i have been checking a lot these past few days ;-). looking forward to reading more adventures . go chica!

Unknown said...

Hi Noellie! I've been reading your blog and find it very interesting. I still want to do something like this about my three years in Milano. Maybe you can help me as an experienced person in Barcelona. I am going there for one week end of May for a FMA confernce at IESE. As I recently finished my Ph.D., I need some reasonable accomodation near IESE. Could you suggest something I can rent for one week - where to look, whom to contact. Maybe you know somebody - I will appreciate a lot. Thanks a lot and sorry to bother. Congratulations with you Master's, I've recently finished my Ph.D. too.

Unknown said...

sorry - here's my email just in case: roksonak (the sign)

Anonymous said...

I sure was getting tired of going to your blog and being disappointed to find no new adventures. Glad you're back on line. Enjoy the summer travels. Can't wait to follow your journey. Congrats on the higher blog award. Very smooth.

Anonymous said...


Now that you are graduated. Can you tell us more about IESE and the link with Opus Dei?

Gautam said...

Absolutely love your blog...
Keep on Blogging... would love to hear about your experiences post MBA :)

All the best.

- Gautam