Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ski Utah!

On Wednesday I was in Finland. On Thursday I was in Spain and then New York. And as of Friday night I've been in Utah with my mom for some serious skiing! I learned yesterday that this spontaneous, impulsive travel bug I have is actually a gene which was passed down from my dad, who decided at the last minute to join us from Boston, where he has meetings all week. The family that gains frequent flier miles together stays together!

Anyway, unlike the rest of the world, Utah has been blessed with plenty of snow this winter, and yesterday my mom and I spent the whole day carving some sweet fresh powder. Don't we look fabulous? We took to wearing helmets after a close family friend (and pro world cup skier) got her face smashed by a novice boarder while minding her own business, waiting in a lift line. They also help us conceal our secret agent identities. I recommend them highly to all future international superspies and to skiers and boarders who like their faces just the way they are.

Okay back to the slopes!

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