Sunday, February 25, 2007

MultiCulti 1, Oscars 0

It's the last Sunday in February, which means it's Oscar night. And for the first time since I was about 6, I have no clue who is nominated. And I haven't even seen the majority of the films probably.

Normally I have the full nominee list in my head (ok, with the exception of short subject documentary perhaps) and I can usually put together a winning ballot for the office Oscar pool. This year... completely clueless.

This is what happens during the MBA. In the last week, when normally (had I still been working at Miramax or GreeneStreet) Oscarese would be the only language spoken, we have been instead speaking MultiCultian. Because for the past few weeks, that's all anyone at IESE could talk or think about. We've been organizing our country stands, preparing food and drinks, and working on dance moves. And I've been practicing with the band because we opened the show Friday night.

And though the Oscars will come every year, this was, sadly, my last MultiCulti party experience. So I made sure to enjoy every last second.

Sound check with the band....This is when the stage and the four of us were still clean! We are called The Rhythm Method, and nobody gets it. I love that!!!

Quentin the drummer has bass envy:

"Espaniards" showing us how it's done:

Irish and Indians gettin' down.

Nani and I got a little crazy

I'm not sure how THIS started. But I do know that I clearly need to work on my tan.

Soon after I ran into Onno.... Oh. No.

La Vita รจ Bella! Italians in love!

It's not really a party unless there are Mariachis. I will have a Mariachi band at my wedding with 100% certainty. The wedding itself is not a 100% certainty.

Which reminds me... I traded hats momentarily with Roberto:

And was immediately attacked by a confused Rafa... these Mariachi hats are dangerous!

With Atsh:

Huy turned Dutch, Marco turned Italian, Ana turned into a rooster.

An emotional hug with Marco: "You're the best flatmate ever." "No, YOU'RE the best flatmate ever!" "Okay, you're right, I am."

Today Keith sent around an email asking if anyone had seen his big Brazilian hat. Oh I saw it. Around 10:30pm on the head of an indisposed Sicilian. Some things are better off not being returned to their owners...

MultiCulti 2007: A smashing success. No broken bones or major abrasions. Several very vomitous individuals, but nothing that a good night's sleep or twelve can't take care of.

I think Tom said it best when he asked, in the first hour of the party, "Why don't we have this party EVERY WEEK?!?!" I'll tell you why, Tom. I went back to that place the next day to pick up our equipment... it didn't exist anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you put this to music it would have to be the Four Seasons', "Oh, what a night..."

This was just too funny for words.