Monday, January 15, 2007

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Mick Jagger was certainly correct... unfortunately. I have just stayed up until 2:30am on a Sunday night to watch my beloved Chargers botch their best chance at a Super Bowl in over 20 years. Well I can't even say I "watched" it because I was only able to keep up with the online play-by-play since I opted to not stay in a bar until the wee hours of the morning. My second disappointment in a week, the other being not getting a post-MBA gig I was really gunning for.

They say every cloud has a silver lining. So I guess this means I'll get a different job that I'm better suited for. Or marry a prince and never have to work again. But try as I might, I can't find the silver lining in the Chargers' loss. Well, I guess Patriots fans can find it...

Classes start in 7 hours. Guess I'd better get over it pretty quickly and get some shuteye.


Surfmonk said...

I feel your pain: the Saints crushed my dreams on saturday.

NoellieBellie said...

Yeah sorry about the Eagles.

Anonymous said...

as a fellow san diego native -- it was tough to watch the chargers blow that game. I guess i am now rooting for the saints with drew brees.
sorry to hear about the job not going through, it just means there is something better out there.
oh -- great blog, by the way!
- joshua

NoellieBellie said...

Thanks Joshua. I'll follow the bad news Bears! But the post-Katrina Saints a certainly a Cinderella story...

As for the job... well I think I'm more upset about the Chargers! Thanks for your comment. :)