Monday, April 02, 2007

Afternoon Delight

What to do when school ends? Party, of course! This weekend was a big one for birthdays, and we rounded out a rainy Sunday with a BBQ chez Gustavo, Keith, and Anders to celebrate Paul's 30th. It started raining about 2 hours into the festivities, and everyone went inside for about an hour, only to go back out in the rain for another 8 hours. Perhaps that's why I'm sick now....

The view from the terrace on Muntaner

Gustavo on the grill

George hardly able to contain himself
Mark presents Paul with his birthday gift

I found a soccer ball on a shelf and a nice little game ensued, until Chris headed it over the balcony and into the street below.

Tom shows off his moves



Freddy takes a more relaxed approach

After the ball was gone we had to find other ways to entertain ourselves.

Tom really flies when you're having fun!

And he falls, too.

Tom hits the deck. Literally.
Roy offers fallen Tom a beer

Chris hugs his little buddy.

And look! He's ready to go again!

Gustavo, Roman, George, Francis


After an intense UK-vs-rest-of-world drinking contest, the Brits got a little overheated

So did I when one of my million "favorite songs EVER!!!!!!" came on
Harry and Francis show us how to lay it down on the dance floor

With Lena, Chris, and Estrella Damm

Freddy & Daya

George, Sergeant Roy, Ryan, and Lena

Chris & Roy

DJ Rafa kept us going from 2pm to midnight

Estrella fantastica!!!!!

Thanks for a killer Sunday afternoon, guys!

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