Friday, October 05, 2007

It's the little things

Like going to the gym and then doing laundry while drinking a glass of wine and watching America's Next Top Model. I mean, these are things I couldn't do in Spain. Okay well I could go to the gym. And drink wine. So basically the little thing that makes me happy tonight is America's Next Top Model. And I'm okay with that.

Another thing that makes me happy? Tomorrow I'm off to NYC for a fun little visit to the Spanish Consulate, where I will drop off all the required paperwork and (gasp!) my passport in the hopes that it will soon be returned with a visa in it. These means that Noellie is officially under USA-arrest for the time being, so please don't tempt me with any exciting weekend trips to fabulous foreign destinations. Anyway, no worries... I'm bringing Barcelona to ME next week.

Something that doesn't particularly make me happy... it's now 10pm. My flight is at 6am. I have to be there at 5am. That means waking up just before 4am. Which means I really should be asleep already... And on that note, time to pack! Next stop, Manhattan. YeeeeHAW!

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