Monday, October 23, 2006

The Week That Was...

I have become a terrible blogger since the start of the second year. A whole week has passed without a post, which isn't to say nothing has happened. Au contraire. It has been quite an eventful week... classes, presentations, job possibilities, the bar crawl, the A6 dinner, and now the start of the Career Forum. But that's exactly the problem. No time for writing! I promise to improve on this, starting immediately.

George returned to Barcelona on Thursday, just in time for the Bar Crawl. Awesome to have one of the Calatrava Guapos returning to the nest. And speaking of the Bar Crawl... after much concern over first year turnout due to high stress levels, the Bar Crawl was just as successful as any. Everyone turned up decked out and ready to blow off some steam. First years dressed as superheroes, country clubbers, and 80s rockstars, while the exchange team paraded around as aliens. Each second year bar had a theme as well: pirates, punks, pimps, and pagent queens. The crawl ended with everyone meeting at Sol for the announcement of the winners, which no one heard, but it didn't matter really because by that point, all we wanted to do was dance until dawn, which is exactly what many of us did.

A second year judging team.

The rather dangerous (in hindsight) dizzy relay race game played in the pirate bar.

Members of the ever-more-impressive Section C, dressed as 80s rockstars.

Muktambar and I tally team points at the final destination.

Good thing we had calculators on our mobiles, because if Muktambar had to count on his fingers he would've been out of luck.

On Saturday night Atsh and Ayako cooked up an unbelievable feast, which was the perfect way to finish off a day of Bar Crawl recovery. Sunday was spent recovering from dinner and on Sunday evening we held the traditional A6 dinner here on our terrace because the weather was still warm enough for an early evening BBQ. A6ers of 2007 and 2008 united, though the 2nd year group was certainly decimated, with 3 members on exchange, one out of town, and one sick. Didn't make it any less fun though, and the new A6 group seems like it might carry on the tradition of being the only team still meeting (and talking to each other) on the very last day of class. Good luck guys!

1 comment:

Geijn said...

Great to read the traditional A6 dinner is holding up! God luck with the career forum!