Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Despite questionable weather (mostly rain with a few hours of sunshine here and there - sometimes just minutes, actually) the trip has been fun so far. Very low-key and relaxed, as I think all of us are recovering from the last month of studying and partying too much and sleeping too little. First few days were spent in Granada....

Granada by day

Granada by night
El Alhambra by night

The team in the cathedral

"My boys" outside the Capilla Real: Matteo, Marco, Huy, Lamberto, George

The boys by night in one of the small twisty streets of the Albaizin


At a "teteria" in the Albaizin: Huy & George


Put that in your pipe and smoke it, biatch!

And speaking of biatches... I'm delighted to see that some of our fabulous American terminology has made its way to the tiniest streets of Andalucia.

After several days in Granada, I was all Granada'd out and ready to move on to the next location: Cordoba!!!


Anonymous said...

great pics! thanks for the update!
have fun

Unknown said...

If you go to Granada, you have to visit "la Alhambra". Share with you an useful link on how to visit la Alhambra in Granada

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the photos! It's nice watching the wind down and seeing the MBA happy ending through your lens.