Poor Madhur. He had just arrived from London when I whisked him away to South Station and put him on a train. We made it with about 15 minutes to spare, enough time to pick up our tickets and some always-necessary trashy magazines. The four-hour train ride from Boston to NYC was one I'd never done before and I have to say that even though it was slow, it was incredibly beautiful. And Madhur hit four states (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York) by 7pm.
We met Suaye, Carol, Gabe and Mimi at Florent, one of my favorite restaurants in the meatpacking district for a mini-IESE reunion and caught up on our respective work permit troubles (Suaye's beats even mine - he was even deported from the UK a few weeks back!) and apartment and commuting trials (Gabe is in Albany while Mimi is in NYC and even when he's upstate during the week he still has an hour commute each way each day!) We finished off the night with drinks and foosball at Soho House. Fantastic to see everyone again. (Particularly a partial A6 reunion - Gabe, Madhur, and me.)
Gabe, Suaye, me, Carol, and Madhur
So despite the long train ride, the weekend was totally worth it. I even had time to hang out with Annie Bananie this morning, run into an old work colleague, and do a bit of shopping with Madhur today. And then the fun started. First Madhur lost his train ticket... well, he left it on the train yesterday. And after that was sorted out, we got on the train and all was well until we were about an hour away from Boston. The train ahead of us, a commuter train, apparently caught fire. So not only did we have to wait a while, we then had to pick up all the passengers from the disabled commuter train, and then make all commuter stops... like every 3 minutes! So we got to the Back Bay station at 10pm instead of 9 and I missed the whole first half of the Chargers / Patriots game rather than just the first quarter.
Of course now that I'm home they've scored 2 touchdowns... and the first half didn't seem to be something I would have wanted to see anyway. Yikes. So I have bad train luck as well as bad airline luck. But at least I seem to be good at helping my Chargers! For the moment anyway.
Hola Noelle,
Mi nombre es David, vivo en Barcelona y hace más de un año que leo tu blog. Aunque no nos conocemos personalmente, me gustaría tomarme la libertad de felicitarte por tu blog. Hasta ahora me había limitado a leerlo, pero llegados a este punto quisiera darte a conocer mi opinión.
Es interesante, divertido e incluye visitas a lugares que me resultan muy exóticos. Aunque no soy un experto en blogs, permíteme decirte que es el más completo que leo. Hay muchos blogs que reciben asesoramiento o ayudas de profesionales de la comunicación y que están destinados a publicitar personas o personalidades concretas. En tu caso se agradece la frescura de una persona normal, de alguien que puedes encontrate en la calle cualquier dia. Eso es fantástico. Lo cierto es que debo admitir también una sana envidia de la vida que explicas en este blog. Ya me gustaría tener sólo la mitad de la intensa vida social que encuentro aquí!
Espero que no te moleste mi intrusión en tu bitácora. También lamento no poderme expresar en inglés. Aunque me defiendo un poco en él, aún estoy aprendiendo! :).
Para terminar, permíteme también agradecerte como catalán que una mujer norteamericana exprese sus experiencias personales en Barcelona a través de Internet.
Un saludo y continúa como hasta ahora :).
Hola David,
Gracias! No te preocupes... entiendo el español tambien. :)
Espero que sigas leyendo el blog!
Un abrazo,
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