Thursday, June 15, 2006

That's all, folks!


This is truly the last day of the first year. While Sections B and C were sleeping off their hangovers this morning, the tried and true members of Section A (minus those who already had to start their banking internships - SUCKERS!) were forecasting like mad. We had one hour for three questions, and I answered exactly half. Much better than I would have done just 24 hours ago, so I'm happy.

Section A (or half of us, anyway) after the exam:

Now I'm sitting in my room at my computer by force of habit. But tomorrow I'm off to New York for a few days, so I should probably pack something. We're having one last A6 gathering today for lunch in a few minutes, and tonight a big party at Otto Zutz. I have a feeling tonight will be similar to the night of the Christmas Ball in December, when I just stayed up all night and slept on the plane. I'll still get 8 hours!

Guys guys guys: It has been a wild year, and I'm glad I was along for the ride with all of you. I'm really going to miss the people who are going on exchange, but we will welcome you back in December with - what else?! - a big fat party! Anyone who wants to visit Romania this summer you have an open invitation, and for those of you in the States who haven't yet visited me in Barcelona... WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!!?!


Anonymous said...

this time go to Vama Veche - Romania

Anonymous said...

-tvu said...

Great postings on your 1st year at IESE. Congratulations!

noahstone said...

Yeah!!!!! Congratulations on your 1st year.... now come home.