Sunday, December 11, 2005

Finals, Dinners, Birthdays, oh my!

Last night, our section A representatives Freddy and Inigo organized a dinner for our section. About half of the section showed up and we had a great time chatting, laughing, and eating. Here are some photos from the event.

My fellow blogger Pradeep from Nepal:

With Lamberto from Italy:

One of our section representatives, Freddy from Germany, after collecting money for dinner. This random woman came out of the bathroom and wanted to pose with him... I'm SURE the cash had nothing to do with it!

George (mugging as always), David, Huy, and Juanra:

Vlad the invincible Romania accountant:

After dinner George and I raced to a bar in El Born in order to arrive before midnight to meet up with a gang of second year students to surprise 2nd year "Wild" Bill (from Montana) for his 30th. The poor guy had organized a party himself and then his roommates told everyone not to show up and to instead go to this other place so that when Bill arrived, depressed that no one loved him, he would be completely shocked. And it worked. I didn't stay very late because I knew I had a fabulous day of accounting review ahead, but it was a good, relaxed night out, and exactly what I needed after doing accounting all day yesterday!

This week is the last one before finals. I can't believe the first term has passed so quickly. A week from Thursday I'll be flying back to New York. It's amazing to think that just a few months ago, I was just arriving here and meeting everyone and getting settled in with Nicole's help, and now the first, hardest, scariest part is nearly behind us. In fact, I'll fly back to NYC exactly four months from the day I left! And somehow it simultaneously feels like only 4 days have passed... but also 4 years. What a wild ride it has been.


Anonymous said...

JA JA JA, you're so funny ! ! !

NoellieBellie said...

Strange.... this was the most serious of all the posts I've written to date.

Clearly, Spaniards have an odd sense of humor.

And an odd way of spelling "hahaha."

Well, glad to have amused you anyway!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, sorry, in the future I'll try to spell it correctly, or maybe for christmas I should say Jo Jo JO ! ! !
Anyway, my JAJAJA was because all the posts, not just the last one ;)

NoellieBellie said...

Oh, well in that case.... THANKS! JA JA JA!!!